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About VPK

I am a seeker…always have been. Long before Eat Pray Love.


I read Tarot cards for others, primarily women.  I believe that the universe has a way of guiding us as we humans evolve toward more love and truth.


I have worked with strong teachers studying the human psyche for 30 years and have read cards daily for 15 years. This experience has taught me a profound respect for the delicate nature of the psyche as I continue to learn to care for and help others.


I work with the Native American Tarot deck because it has indigenous roots that honor women and the feminine often left out of European-based decks.

I love my clients and am deeply grateful for their trust as we build a relationship with support and care.


I love hearing about your lives. We help each other grow as we listen to each other and work to interpret your experiences with more clarity, awareness, and acceptance.


The Vision and Creativity of Women

It's truly amazing to see how women across the globe, from different backgrounds and industries, are experiencing similar journeys of growth and empowerment. The universe seems to be dealing us similar cards, confirming the collective nature of what we're going through as a humanity and as creative women. It's like we're walking through portals never explored before, into the artistry of an spiritual inner life and an outer life of everything else: creative ventures, businesses, AI and tech, environment, dating, love, sex, marriage, motherhood, health and our bodies.


But here's the thing: we're not just going through the motions. We're breaking new ground and taking risks that our mothers and grandmothers could only dream of. We're making more money than any women in our lineage, and we're doing it our way. It's no wonder that the standard rhetoric of being "empowered" don't quite cut it for us. We're looking for something deeper, more soulful, and intelligent to help us birth a new world.


We're turning to our intuitive knowing and cards offer us validation and reflect our inner experiences. As women, we're tapping into our intuition and reclaiming our Yin talents that have been undervalued for too long. We're listening to the whispers of our hearts and bodies, and trusting that we know what's right for us.


Cards are one doorway to the power of listening to the wisdom that belongs to us.

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